くぼかわ病院 医師紹介
名誉院長 整形外科 谷 俊一

日本整形外科学会 専門医・名誉会員
日本整形外科学会 リウマチ医
日本脊椎脊髄病学会 手術指導医・名誉会員
日本臨床神経生理学会 認定医・名誉会員
日本リハビリテーション学会 専門医
1. Enoki H, Tani T, Ishida K, Wang S, Kimura J. Rest-induced reduction in walking speed helps differentiate degenerative compression myelopathies from lumbar spinal stenosis. I J Curr Res Rev 2021 in press.
2. Kida K, Tani T. A crescent-shaped juxtafacet cyst as a rare cause of high thoracic myelopathy with partial Brown-Séquard's syndrome. Spine Surg Relat Res 2019 Aug 16;4(2):184-186. doi: 10.22603/ssrr.2019-0043. eCollection 2020.
3. Enoki H, Tani T, Ishida K. Foot tapping test as part of routine neurologic examination in degenerative compression myelopathies: A significant correlation between 10-sec foot-tapping speed and 30-m walking speed. Spine Surg Relat Res 2019: 3(3), 207-213 dx.doi.org/10.22603/ssrr.2018-0033.
4. Kida K, Tani T, Kawazoe T, Toda M. Thoracic radicular pain caused by extravertebral gas and fluid collections associated with osteoporotic vertebral fracture containing a vacuum cleft. Case Reports in Orthopedics; Vol 2019, Article ID 4284217, 5 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/4284217.
5. Nakajima N, Tani T, Kiyasu K, Kumon M, Taniguchi S, Takemasa R, Tadokoro N, Nishida K. Unilateral repetitive nerve stimulation improves neurogenic claudication and bilateral F-wave conduction in central spinal stenosis. J Orthop Sci 23: 282-288,
6. Tadokoro N, Tani T, Kida K, Kiyasu K, Kasai Y, Kumon M, Takemas R, Ikeuchi M.
Localization of the primary sites of involvement in the spinal sensory and motor pathways for multilevel MRI abnormalities in degenerative cervical myelopathy. Spinal Cord 56: 117-125, 2018.
7. Kida K, Tani T, Kawazoe T, Hiroi M. A recurrent cervical Neurenteric cyst treated anteriorly: safe, gross-total excision facilitated by prophylactic unilateral vertebral artery exposure, microdissection, and spinal cord monitoring – A case report and technical note. Case Report in Orthop; https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/7620182.
8. Tani T, Saito T, Kawasaki M, Tadokoro N, Kimura J. Spinal cord monitoring for high risk spinal surgery. In: Johari A, Luk KDK, Waddell JP, eds. Current Progress in Orthopedics Volume 2, Chapter 13. Maharashtra: Three Life Media; 2016, p 232-253.
9. Nishida K, Tani T, Taniguchi S, Kumon M, Nakajima N, Tadokoro N, Kida K, Takemasa R, Ikeuchi M. An effect of repetitive ulnar nerve stimulation on rapid finger movements in cervical spondylotic myelopathy and healthy subjects: a preliminary F-wave study in healthy subjects. J Spine Res 8: 168-175, 2017.
10. Akutagawa T, Tani T, Kida K, Tadokoro N, Enoki H, Nagano Y, Ikeuchi M. A new method for characterizing hand dysfunction in cervical spondylotic myelopathy: a preliminary study. Spinal Cord 54: 221-225: 2016.
11. Kumon M, Tani T, Ikeuchi M, Kida K, Takemasa R, Nakajima N, Kiyasu K, Tadokoro N, Taniguchi S. Influence of tibial transcutaneous repetitive electrical nerve stimulation on neurogenic claudication and F-wave in lumbar spinal stenosis. J Rehabil Med 46: 1046-1049, 2014.
12. Tadokoro N, Tani T, Ikeuchi M, Takemasa R, Kida K, Ikemoto T, Ushida T, Taniguchi S, Kimura J. Descending spinal cord evoked potentials in cervical spondylotic myelopathy: characteristic waveform changes seen at the lesion site. Clin Neurophysiol 125: 202-207 2014.
13. Tetsunaga T, Tani T, ikeuchi M, Ishida K, Kida K, Tadokoro N, Ichimiya M, Nakajima N, Tsuboya H, Taniguchi S. T-reflex studies in human upper limb muscles during voluntary contraction: normative data and diagnostic value for cervical radiculopathy. Arch phys Med Rehabil 94: 467-73, 2013.
14. Nomura T, Tani T, Ikeuchi M, Akutagawa T, Enoki H, Ishida K. Maximum voluntary ventilation as a sensitive measure to monitor the ventilatory function in cervical spondylotic myelopathy. Spinal Cord 50; 328-332, 2012.
15. Taniguchi S, Tani T, Ushida T, Nagano Y, Tadokoro N. Comparison of clinical and radiological outcomes after anterior decompression and fusion for cervical spondylotic myelopathy between elderly and younger patients. J Spine Res 2: 202-205, 2011.
16. Ikemoto T, Tani T, Taniguchi S, Ikeuchi M, Kimura J. Effects of experimental focal ccmpression on excitability of human median motor axons. Clin Neurophysiol 120: 342-7, 2009.
17. Taniguchi S, Tani T, Ushida T, Nagano Y, Ikemoto T. Determining operative level for cervical spondylotic myelopathy in the elderly using spinal cord evoked potentials: Intraoperative SCEPs vs Preoperative SCEPs. J Jap Spine Surg Rel Res 19: 565-571, 2008.
18. Akutagawa A, Tani T, Taniguchi S, Ikeuchi M, Ishida K: A new evaluation measure
for fasciculus cuneatus function in cervical spondylotic myelopathy. J Jap Spine Surg
Rel Res 19: 524-528, 2008.
19. Tsuboya H, Tani T, Ishida K, Ushida T, Taniguchi S, Kimura J. Quantitative sensory testing of cold and vibration perception during compression of median nerve at the wrist. Muscle Nerve 35: 458-464, 2007.
20. Kawasaki M, Tani T, Ushida T, Ishida K. Anterolisthesis and retrolisthesis of the cervical spine in cervical spondylotic myelopathy in the elderly. J Orthop Sci 12: 207-213, 2007.
21. Tani T, Ushida T, Taniguchi S, Ishida K, Tsuboya H, Ikemoto T. Partial conduction block in cervical compression myelopathies: waveform changes of ascending spinal evoked potentials. Suppl Clin Neurophysiol 59: 265-274, 2006.
22. Tani T, Tsuboya H, Ikemoto T, Ushida T, Taniguchi S. Relative vulnerability of large
versus small myelinated sensory fibers to an experimental compression of the median nerve at the wrist. Suppl Clin Neurophysiol 117: S250, 2006.
23. Nomura T, Tani T, Kitaoka K, Enoki H, Ishida K. A subclinical impairment of ventilatory function in cervical spondylotic myelopathy. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 85: 1210-1211, 2004.
24. Inoue S, Tani T, Taniguchi S, Yamamoto H. The motor evoked potentials elicited
from the deltoid muscle by transcranial magnetic stimulation with a standardized facilitation: the potential diagnostic utility for C5 radiculopathy. Spine 28: 276-281, 2003.
25. Ishida K, Tani T, Ushida T, Zinchuk VS, Yamamoto H. Recovery of spinal cord
conduction after surgical decompression for cervical spondylotic myelopathy: serial somatosensory evoked potential studies. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 82: 130-136, 2003.
26. Tani T, Kawasaki M, Taniguchi S, Ushida T. Functional importance of degenerative spondylolisthesis in cervical spondylotic myelopathy in the elderly. Spine 28: 1128-1134, 2003.
27. Kishimoto H, Tani T, Ueta E, Ushida T, Taniguchi S, Zinchuk VS, Yamamoto H.
Paradoxical enhancement of spinal cord evoked potentials rostral and caudal to the
site of progressive cord compression in the cat. Spinal Cord 41: 231-238, 2003.
28. Tani T, Ushida T, Ishida K, Iai H, Noguchi T, Yamamoto H. Relative safety of
anterior microsurgical decompression versus laminoplasty for cervical myelopathy
with a massive ossified posterior longitudinal ligament. Spine 27: 2491-2498, 2002.
29. Taniguchi S, Tani T, Ushida T, Yamamoto H. A sensitive electrodiagnostic method for detecting sensory conduction deficits in an experimental single lumbar radicular lesion. Spine 27: E139-144, 2002.
30. Taniguchi S, Tani T, Yamamoto H: Motor evoked potentials elicited from erector
spinae muscles in patients with thoracic myelopathy. Spinal Cord 40: 567-573, 2002.
31. Mizobuchi H, Tani T, Takemasa R, Yamamoto H, Sonobe H. Mechanical properties
of the femur filled with calcium phosphate cement under torsional loading: a model in rabbits. J Orthop Sci 7: 562-569, 2002.
32. Tani T, Ushida T, Taniguchi S, Kimura J. Age related shift in the primary sites of involvement in cervical spondylotic myelopathy from lower to upper levels. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 73: 316-318, 2002.
33. Tani T, Kishimoto H, Tuboya E, Kimura J. Electrophysiologic assessment of shoulder girdle weakness in patients with cervical spondylosis: prognostic value of supraclavicular stimulation. J Clin Neuromus Dis 4: 11-18, 2002.
34. Ushida T, Tani T, Kanbara T, Zinchuk VS, Kawasaki M, Yamamoto H. Analgesic
effects of Ketamine ointment in patients with complex regional pain syndrome Type
1. Reg Anesth Pain Med 27: 524-528, 2002.
35. Tani T, Ushida T, Shinomiya Y, Kimura J. Relative vulnerability of slow versus fast
conducting fibers to a focal compression. In Sinha KK, Chandra P (eds): Advances in Clinical Neurosciences 2002. Eastern zone CME Ranchi, Jharkhand, pp 357-370, 2002.
36. Tani T, Ushida T, Kimura J. Sequential changes of orthodromic sensory nerve
action potentials induced by experimental compression of the median nerve at the
wrist. Clin Neurophysiol 112: 136-144, 2001.
37. Tani T, Kida K, Kimura J. Mechanically and electrically evoked reflexes in the
human axial and limb muscles during voluntary contraction. In Sinha KK, Chandra
P (eds): Advances in Clinical Neurosciences 2001. Eastern zone CME Ranchi,
Jharkhand, pp 81-94, 2001.
38. Tani T. Conduction block in cervical spondylotic myelopathy: waveform analysis of spinal somatosensory evoked potential. In Sinha KK, Chandra P (eds): Advances in Clinical Neurosciences 2000. Eastern zone CME Ranchi, Jharkhand, pp53-70, 2000.
39. Tani T, Ushida T. Spinal cord evoked potentials near the site of conduction block and a model simulation using solid angle approximation. In Mano Y, Okada M
(eds): Electrophysiology and Kinesiology. Monduzzi Editore, Bologna, pp89-93,
40. Tani T, Ishida K, Ushida T, Yamamoto H. Intraoperative electroneurography in the
assessment of the level of operation for cervical spondylotic myelopathy in the
elderly. J Bone Joint Surg, 82-B : 269-274, 2000.
41. Tani T, Yamamoto H, Kimura J. Cervical spondylotic myelopathy in elderly people: a high incidence of conduction block at C3-4 or C4-5. J Neurol neurosurg Psychiatry 66: 456-464, 1999.
42. Ushida T, Tani T, Kawasaki M, Iwatsu O, Yamamoto H. Peripheral administration
of an N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist (MK-801) changes dorsal horn neuronal responses in rats. Neurosci Lett 260: 89-92,1999.
43. Taniguchi S, Tani T. Motor evoked potentials elicited from human erector spinae
muscles by transcranial magnetic stimulation. Spine 24: 154-156, 1999.
44. Tani T, Ushida T, Yamamoto H, Kimura J. Waveform analysis of spinal
somatosensory evoked potential: paradoxically enhanced negative peak immediately caudal to the site of conduction block. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 108: 325-330, 1998.
45. Ueta E, Tani T, Taniguchi S, Ishida K, Ushida T, Yamamoto H. Diagnostic value of
cervical somatosensory evoked potentials recorded from the intervertebral discs
after median and ulnar nerve stimulation in cervical spondylotic myelopathy. J
Spnal Disord 11: 514-520, 1998.
46. Tani T, Ushida T, Yamamoto H, Okuhara Y. Waveform changes due to conduction block and their underlying mechanism in spinal somatosensory evoked potential: A computer simulation. J Neurosurg 86: 303-310, 1997.
47. Tani T, Yamamoto H, Ichimiya M, Kimura J. Reflexes evoked in human erector
spinae muscles by tapping during voluntary activity. Electroencephalogr Clin
Neurophysiol 105 / 3: 194-200, 1997.
48. Tani T, Ushida T, Yamamoto H. Surgical treatment guided by spinal cord evoked
potentials for tetraparesis due to cervical spondylosis. Paraplegia 33: 354-358,